lawz blog

Aug 22, 2024

its usually not worth it to nerd out over specific techs. your users dont care if you use jquery and php or trpc and next js. they care about usability and whether or not your product actually adds value to their life somehow. smart engineers get hung up on tech tradeoffs when they should be more focused on their users.

ask yourself, does this decision allow me to charge more money for my product? if yes, try it. if not, i wouldnt worry about it. stick to a stack that you know and that you are comfortable with. fast iteration cycles are more important than scalable code in the beginning.

more technical products do not equal more money. plenty of solutions are over-engineered and underdeveloped. find out what your users want, and build that. dont optimize page load times another 300 ms by implementing some complicated caching mechanism. no one cares, ship what makes you more money.