lawz blog

Aug 28, 2024

youre a conjurer of spells, a programming wizard

programs are like spells. they get physical atoms in the world to do things that you want. think about it. the high level languages we use conjure up forces that are able to manipulate binary producing an effect. i used to watch movies like harry potter when i was younger and my imagination would run wild. tom riddles diary? i want one. if only i could chant some incantation that would give me what i want or ask me the right questions.

things like llms make Tom Riddles Diary a reality now. i dont think of myself as a computer scientist or a programmer or a coder. nothing like that. im an artisan, a programming wizard, conjuring up subconcious thoughts and translating them into binary spells. im a manipulator of computers, adjusting my spells to get them to do exactly what i want them to.

this mindset keeps my ideas youthful. it keeps the energy fresh and fun. and thats what software should be. it really shouldnt be some boring clunky thing your forced to use in order get the job done. it should be a way for someone who cant code to get that same feeling we do, they just do it with a UI instead of code. programmers give their users special powers if done right.